Amguri Revenue Circle
Last Updated on: February 07, 2023

Amguri Revenue Circle is located 36 K.M. away from District head quarter. The Amguri Revenue Circle with an area of 299.57 sqr. Km. is located under the administrative jurisdiction of the Sivasagar and Nazira Sub-division within the state of Assam. It is bordered by the Nazira Revenue circle towards the East ,Teok Circle in Jorhat District towards West, Sivasagar Circle in the North and by the state of Nagaland towards South.
Recent achievements:
Mission Basundhara -I completed successfully with 84% positive delivery .
Citizen Services:
- Mutation,
- Partition ,
- Conversion,
- Re-classification ,
- Land Allotment
- Name correction ,
- Name deletion ,
- A.P. to P.P. conversion ,
- Jamabandi ,
- Land holding ,
- Income ,
- EWS Certificate, etc .
Offices details:
The building pattern of Amguri Revenue Circle is Assam Type E Pattern . Total staff strength is -
- One Circle officer,
- One Circle officer ( Attached ),
- S.K.- 2Nos,
- L.M.- 23 Nos,
- Junior Asstt.- 2Nos,
- Peon – 2 Nos,
- Chowkidar – 1 Nos,
- Chainman -2 Nos.
At present 2 Nos L.M., 1 Nos Chowkidar and 1 Nos Junior Asstt. Post are lying vacant .