The office of the Executive Engineer , Sibsagar Division (Irrigation), Sivasagar came into being on 26th may 1976. Formerly this office was named as Eastern Assam Ground Water Division Irrigation which located at Jorhat in un-divided Sivasagar District. The office is again re-named as Sibsagar Ground water Division Irrigation which located at Jorhat on 1st October 1978. The office is again re-named as Sibsagar Division Irrigation which shifted to Sibsagar. The Office of the Executive Engineer, Sibsagar Division (Irrigation), Sivasagar had two working Sub-division Namely (i) Sibsagar Sub-division (Irrigation), Sivasagar (Attached with Division Office) and (ii) Sonari Sub-division (Irrigation), Nimonagarh. After reorganisation of Irrigation Department on 03-08-2021, Sibsagar Division (Irrigation), Sivasagar is renamed as Sivasagar-Thowra Division (Irrigation), Sivasagar having two working Sub-Divisions i.e. (i) Sivasagar Sub-division (Irrigation), Sivasagar (Attached with Division Office) and (ii) Thowra Sub-Division (Irrigation), Demow. The Division office is presently working with three branches, (i) Technical Branch, (ii) General Branch and (iii) Accounts Branch.
The Office provided to the local cultivator by supplying water to the paddy field with the aim of encouraging them for multiple cropping and there by uplifting their economic condition as well as to attain self sufficiency in agricultural product of the District. The Office also provided services to people in the district during natural calamities like flood etc. in collaboration in the district administration as and when required. The office also provided awareness program to the local people regarding various scheme of the government related to the Irrigation activities.
Office & Branches:
Building Name :- O/o the Executive Engineer, Sivasagar-Thowra Division(Irrigation), Sivasagar
Road Name / Land Mark :- Dhai-Ali / Darbar Field
Area :- Pucca Ghat, Ward no 1.
City / District :- Sivasagar
Pin Code :- 785640
State :- Assam
Office Phone No :- -----
Office E-mail Address :-
Sl. No |
Name of the official |
Designation |
Contact No |
E-mail Address |
1 |
Sri Sunil Gogoi |
Executive Engineer, Sivasagar-Thowra Division (Irrig.), Sivasagar |
9435729137 |
2 |
Sri Hiranyajit Duarah |
Assistant Executive Engineer (T.C) Sivasagar-Thowra Division (Irrig.), Sivasagar |
7002717725 | |
3 |
Sri Prakash Chutia |
Assistant Executive Engineer, Sivasagar Sub-Division (Irrig.), Sivasagar |
9678288180 |
4 |
Sri Hiranyajit Duarah |
Assistant Executive Engineer (I/C), Thowra Sub-Division (Irrig.), Demow |
7002717725 | |
5 |
Sri Simanta Sekhar Kathkotia |
Account Officer (on additional charge), Sivasagar-Thowra Division (Irrig.), Sivasagar |
9954805176 | |
6 |
Sri Kukheswar Das |
Head Assistant, Sivasagar-Thowra Division (Irrig.), Sivasagar |
9101682288 |
Not available |
The Division Office Irrigation Sibsagar operates four type of Irrigation scheme namely :
a) Surface Water Irrigation (i) Flow Surface Irrigation Scheme
(ii) Lift Irrigation Scheme
(b) Ground water Irrigation Scheme
(i) Deep well Irrigation Scheme
(ii) Shallow well Irrigation Scheme
In Sivasagar District, under Sivasagar-Thowra Division (Irrigation), Sivasagar there are presently 12 Nos. of Irrigation Schemes which are functional (Fully and Partially). Estimated Potential against from 12 Nos. of Functional schemes is 2263 Ha. Out of 12 Nos. of functional Irrigation Schemes :-
Flow Surface Irrigation Schemes = Nil
Lift Irrigation Schemes = 6 Nos.
Deep Tube Well Schemes = 4 Nos.
Tube Well Scheme = 2 Nos.
The local people are availing the benefit of irrigation facilities and are encourages for multi-pull cropping. Photos of Some of the successful Irrigation Schemes.