Economics and Statistics

Last Updated on: November 28, 2022


Various types of time bound sample Surveys, Census Works like Economic Census, Agricultural Census, Government Employee Census, Crop Estimation Surveys, District Statistical hand book Preparation and Publication works has been done within the stipulated time by the Office of the Deputy Director of Economics and Statistics, Sivasagar under the Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Assam, Guwahati. the details of the surveys as follows:

1. Agriculture Statistics: Collection, compilation and maintenance of agricultural statistics is the main function of the department. The Crop Cutting Experiments were carried out for nine crops every year by Crop Estimation Survey within stipulated time.

2. Land Use Statistics (LUS): The details of the crop area and land use particulars as recorded in the register of the Circle Office, the district level figures are compiled and submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India through D.E.S Assam each year.

3.  Crop ForecastThe District Level Committee on agricultural Statistics has altogether five sittings in a year and finalize the area of 38 crops covered under forecast meeting.

4. Timely Reporting Schemes (TRS): The aim of TRS is to obtain the timely estimates of area under 13 principal crops on the basis of percentage of sample villages at the end of the four seasons viz. Early Kharif, Late Kharif, Rabi and Summer in each year.

5. Sample Survey on Arecanut, Coconut, Fruits and Vegetables (ACFV):- The main purpose of the survey is to find out the crop growing of the above four crops as well as to estimate the average yield and production of arecanut and coconut only.

6. Agriculture Census: Agriculture Census is conducted quinquennial in the country for collection of data on structure of operational holdings and its related characteristics by social group and gender.

7. Input Survey: The Agriculture census is followed by Input Survey which provided key information about the structure of agriculture sectors.

8. Annual Survey of Industries (ASI): Central Statistical Office, Government of India under MoSPI entrusted us with the task of collection and compilation of various Industrial Statistics for the purpose of Planning and Industrial Index.

9. Monthly Production Data: - Collection of monthly production data in respect of selected industries under manufacturing, electricity, gas, water supply, mining and quarrying under Industry sector as per procedures.

10. National Sample Survey (NSS): National Sample Survey is the country wide continuous survey to collect information on various socio-economic aspects and we are participating in this national venture in equal matching as State sample.

11. District Domestic Product (DDP): Estimates of the District Domestic Products has been taken up to access the contribution of different sectors in the economic development of the district and thereby to access the Per-Capita DDP (Income).

12. PRICE:- Price of different building materials, weekly wholesale price, weekly retail price, Forth-night price, Farm Harvest Price are collected from the concerned price centre and submitted to the Directorate of Economics And Statistics, Assam, Ghy.

                Along with the above, the Department is also entrusted to prepare price Index by collecting different consumer prices, collection of data for Block Information Register and Community Development Statistics regular and Ad-hoc survey like- Economic Census, Assam Govt. Employees Census, Human Development Report of Assam, Housing Statistics etc. as per direction of the government from time to time.

Contact Details:

Name of Content Manager         :               SRI BIJIT BORAH,

Deputy Director of Economics & Statistics, Sivasagar

Name of Section                            :               o/o The Deputy Director of Economics & Statistics, Sivasagar

Address                                           :               Near Basic Training Centre, Joysagar – 785665

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